In case you have only analytical scenarios or use cases, where you only want to read data, you don't need the ObjectModel annotations, as you don't need a Business Object or the BOPF Framework in those situations from my point of view. As a side note, there is no BO generated by ...
The name of the CDS view is given above as the 'name' - (I used the same view in order to not create a view again. If you want different fields to show up, you need to create a new CDS view. ZC_SALES_DOC_HEADER view will be shared at the end of the blog). The element par...
In fact, he used quite a simple CDS view: The select statement of the view wraps the access to database table zbg_marsdata. Some of the modeling capapbilities of CDS shine through with the association _MarsSite that joins Z_MarsRoverMissions with Z_MarsSites. But this was of marginal ...
The following CDS source code for defining a CDS view contains ABAP annotations and other annotations at the allowed positions, in other words, for the entire view, for an element of the SELECT list and for an input parameter. The ABAP annotations are EndUserText.label, AbapCatalog.sqlView...
Annotationsfor aCDS rolein front of the statementDEFINE ROLE. Annotationsfor an aspect in anaccess policyin front of the statementDEFINE ASPECT. The predefined annotations that are possible for a context are documented here. Example The following CDS source code for defining aCDS viewcontains predef...
Scope:#VIEW Type:Array of EntityRef Evaluation Runtime (Engine):Analytic manager Analytics.document.storagePersistence This annotation can be used in CDS-cube views(Analytics.dataCategory: #CUBE) or in analytical query views. In a cube view, it describes the list of possible document storages. ...
in annotations, but the the view_param instances I placed don't show any annotations either :-(. Let's say I have a view_params cell referencing a transistor named mn1 and a view_params instance pointing to it - both aren't displaying any cdsParams. Having run a sim,...
In the Object Type Selection (Object Groups) dialogue expand the entry A5 User Interface Texts and choose the entry DDLS CDS Views. Enter the name of your CDS view in the field Object Name. Choose the language in which you have maintained your CDS DDL source as the Source Language. C...
Evaluation Runtime (Engine): Views with Analytics.query are not exposed in value help. Views with Analytics.dataCategory are not exposed in value help for the CDS query designer. Values: Value Description true The view cannot be consumed by analytic clients. The default is true, if this an...
This OData property is mapped onto the first text field of the associated target CDS view annotated with @Semantics.text:true. Analytic Manager - Uses the associated view as TEXT view for annotated field. ObjectModel.text.element[ ] Establishes the conjunction of a field with its descriptive ...