当你在R中遇到“package 'annotationdbi' is not available for this version of R”的错误时,这通常意味着annotationdbi包可能不再支持你的R版本,或者该包已经被废弃并替换为其他包。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 1. 确认R语言的版本 首先,你需要确认你当前使用的R版本。你可以通过在R控制台运行以下命令来查看:...
AnnotationDbi主要是設計用來對應資料庫的不同物件,讓各式資料庫在R有一個統一的使用指令,也就是一個標準的package資料庫介面用來開發各種SQLite-base annotaion database。所有的“.db”結尾的library其實就是使用AnnotationDbi來,而從資料庫的命名就可以知道此資料庫是使用哪一類的資料(OrgDb,ChipDb,T...
The AnnotationDbi package provides an interface to SQLite-based annotation packages. Each SQLite-based annotation package (identified by a ".db" suffix in the package name) contains a number of AnnDbBimap objects in place of the environment objects found in the old-style environment-based ...
maintainedfrompublicsourcesandispackagedupasanappropriateorgan- ismor”org”package. 1.0.2DatabaseSchemas Fordevelopers,alotofthebenefitsofhavingtheinformationloadedintoa realdatabasewillrequiresomeknowledgeaboutthedatabaseschema.For thisreasontheschemasthatwereusedinthecreationofeachdatabasetype ...
AnnotationDbi is an R/Bioconductor package that implements a user-friendly interface for querying SQLite-based annotation data packages. See https://bioconductor.org/packages/AnnotationDbi for more information including how to install the release version of the package (please refrain from installing direc...
GNU R package providing unit testing framework r-bioc-graph handle graph data structures for BioConductor r-cran-knitr GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming 下载r-bioc-annotationdbi 硬件架构软件包大小安装后大小文件 all 4,514.7 kB 8,545.0 kB [文件列表] 本...
GNU R package providing unit testing framework r-bioc-graph handle graph data structures for BioConductor r-cran-knitr GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming 下载r-bioc-annotationdbi 硬件架构软件包大小安装后大小文件 all 4,514.7 kB 8,545.0 kB [文件列表] 本...
In my analysis code, I have not-uncommon occurrences of: library(AnnotationHub) ens.mm.v97 <- AnnotationHub()[["AH73905"]] anno <- select(ens.mm.v97, keys=rownames(se), keytype="GENEID", columns=c("SYMBOL", "SEQNAME")) rowData(se) <- ann...
columns(x) keytypes(x) 读取注释包中的ID,这一点和ls("package:x")显示的内容不同。 keys(x, keytype, ...) 读取注释...
GNU R package providing unit testing framework r-bioc-graph handle graph data structures for BioConductor r-cran-knitr GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming 下载r-bioc-annotationdbi 硬件架构软件包大小安装后大小文件 all 4,514.7 kB 8,545.0 kB [文件列表] 本...