AnnotatedData类用于缓存数据对象,例如在调用AchievementsClient的load方法时会返回该数据对象。 Public Method Summary ReturnMethod Tget() 获取AnnotatedData中包含的数据对象。 booleanisStale() 检查数据是否来自缓存。 Public Methods public T get() 返回当前AnnotatedData对象包含的数据数据。
DLS has an intuitive workflow for annotating images for training an object detection model. Essentially, this involves drawing a rectangular bounding box around the entities of interest and assigning a label. Data is ingested into the labeling service through object storage stored within your tenancy ...
anndata: Annotated data Isaac Virshup, Sergei Rybakov, Fabian J. Theis, Philipp Angerer, F. Alexander Wolf JOSS 2024 Sep 16. doi: 10.21105/joss.04371. You can cite the scverse publication as follows: The scverse project provides a computational ecosystem for single-cell omics data analysis...
A data structure is provided for annotating data files within a database. The annotation data comprises a phoneme and word lattice which allows the quick and efficient searching of data files within the database, in response to a user's input query for desired information. The phoneme and ...
We consider the problem of modeling annotated data---data with multiple types where the instance of one type (such as a caption) serves as a description of the other type (such as an image). We describe three hierarchical probabilistic mixture models which aim to describe such data, culminati...
AnnotatedData DavidM.Blei ComputerScienceDivision UniversityofCalifornia Berkeley,CA94720,USA MichaelI.Jordan ComputerScienceDivisionandDepartmentofStatistics UniversityofCalifornia Berkeley,CA94720,USA January,2003 Abstract Weconsidertheproblemofmodelingannotateddata—...
In this paper, we propose a generic framework that utilizes unlabeled data to aid generalization for all three tasks. Our approach is to create much more training data through label propagation from the few labeled examples to a vast collection of unannotated images. The main contribution of the...
The main purpose of SWEET-DB is to enable an easy access to all data stored for one carbohydrate structure entering a complete sequence or parts thereof. Access to SWEET-DB contents is provided with the help of separate input spreadsheets for (sub)structures, bibliographic data, general ...
UCO-LAEO: an annotated database for training and evaluating LAEO models Description We use four popular TV shows: ‘Game of thrones’, ‘Mr Robot’, ‘Silicon Valley’ and ‘The walking dead’. From these shows, we collect 129 (3-12 seconds long) shots and first annotate all the heads ...
data, without additional PPI annotations. The multi‑task setup becomes even more important, if the fraction of PPI annotations becomes very small: the multi‑task learner trained on only one‑eighth of the PPI annotations—with data extension—reaches the same performances as the single‑...