Open a terminal window and enter the following command to create the server running environment. #Download codemkdir openannotate3dcdopenannotate3d git clone conda create -n openannotate3d-tiv24 pytho...
conda remove --name annotate_my_genomes --all Inside the repository, there is a file called Optionally, edit and increase/decrease the number of cpus for blast processing:NCPUS=10 To a value according to the computational capacity of your machine....
UTRme offers a way for non-bioinformaticians to precisely determine UTRs from transcriptomic data. The tool is freely available via the conda and github repositories. 展开 关键词: post transcriptional regulation, untranslated region, UTR prediction software, prediction score, GUI ...
AUGUSTUS的无root安装比较麻烦,我折腾了好几天最后卒,不过辛亏有bioconda,conda create -n annotation augustus=3.3. 它的使用看起来很简单,我们可以尝试使用一段拟南芥已知的基因序列让其预测,比如前8k序列 seqkit faidx TAIR10.fa Chr1:1-8000>test.fa augustus --speices=arabidopsis test.fa>test.gff 如果仅仅...
Conda CI tests can be quite flaky: For modules: nf-core modules test <MODULE> --profile docker nf-core modules test <MODULE> --profile singularity nf-core modules test <MODULE> --profile conda For subworkflows: nf-core subworkflows test <SUBWORKFLOW> --profile docker nf-core sub...
File "/opt/conda/bin/funannotate", line 688, in main() File "/opt/conda/bin/funannotate", line 678, in main mod.main(arguments) File "/users/PAS1444/cullendixon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/funannotate/", line 1118, in main ...
conda create --name annotate_my_genomes python=3.6.13 # create environment conda activate annotate_my_genomes # load environment# Install packages conda install -c conda-forge -y parallel conda install -c bioconda -y cufflinks conda install -c bioconda -y stringtie ...
#Download codemkdir openannotate3dcdopenannotate3d git clone conda create -n openannotate3d-tiv24 python=3.8 conda activate openannotate3d-tiv24 conda install pytorch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torc...
conda upgrade skytag -c conda-forge It is also possible to install via pip if required: pip install skytag To check installation was successful run skytag -v. This should return the version number of the install. Command-Line Here is the command-line usage: Usage: skytag <ra> <dec> ...
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda mantis_pfa mantis setup Mantis is now ready to run with:mantis run -i target_faa Mantis can only run on Linux or MacOS systems. If you want to run Mantis on MacOS make sure you use python 3.7 ...