(J) Meta-gene analysis of RPF density along the start and stop codon regions of the CDS based on Ribo-seq data. (K) Comparison of the cost for analyzing one sample by 3′Ribo-seq, protein MS, and Ribo-seq (the costs of protein MS and Ribo-seq are based on commercial quotes). To...
Additional file1: Figs. S6, S7). Unlike BRAKER2, FINDER uses GeneMark S/T to predict CDS from the transcript sequences assembled by PsiCLASS and can hence annotate UTR regions. For most of the organisms, BRAKER2 and MAKER2 gene models register a low transcript F1 score in this...
to annotations of the types CDS, exon, mRNA, transcript and gene. For these, the following applies: • a gene annotation is generated for each gene_id. The region annotated extends from the leftmost to the rightmost positions of all annotations that have the gene_id (gtf-style). ...