Fixed an issue for the smog VFX effect that was not loading before pausing and resuming production in Industrial Buildings Bushes no longer clip through the "Groundplanes" ornament in the "Pedestrian Zone" Pack CDLC when rotated Feedback units no longer walk over canals constructed along the st...
[Customizable Research and Items Mod]: fix labeling on one of the toggles (was accidentally inverted before): Toggle on = custom, Toggle off = vanilla settings now! Delete the iMYA tweaking file saved at the Anno 1800 installation directory .../.imya/tweaks/[Cheat] Combined Customizable Resear...
This mod adds various ornaments and functional buildings to the game. Have a look at the ReadMe for a detailled description or visit the respective Nexus page for more pictures: Greenery and Tree New WorldThis mod adds palm tree variations ...