Anno 2205 is the latest installment in the award-winning franchise of city building games. This time however space travel has become necessary to succeed. The player must first conquer and colonise the Earth before reaching the moon to procure the resources to provide prosperity to your people. ...
Denn in Anno 1800 können eure Einschleimversuche auch nach hinten losgehen und die Beziehung zu der KI verschlechtern. Habt ihr hingegen Glück und baut die Beziehung zu euren Mitstreitern lange und weit genug auf, habt ihr gute Aussichten darauf, Handelsrechte auf d...
Jump online and join a world of play Grab your friends and join the fun with online multiplayer access, included with all PlayStation Plus memberships. Get exclusive discounts, in-game content and more Get access to special PlayStation Store discounts on select games and...