今天,我们要学的词是anniversary。 音标:[ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri] 释义:是周年纪念,周年纪念日的意思。 生活中有些日子是绝对不能忘记的。比如说 "wedding anniversary," 结婚纪念日,再比如"anniversary of his death," 指某人的祭日。 美国电影巨片星球大战1977年5月25号首映,多年来一直吸引着无数...
For more information seehttps://www.degruyter.com/how-access-works Showing a limited preview of this publication: OntheAnniversaryofYourDeathSeptember.Kidsdriftbacktoschool,rigidandsweatyinprematureplaidsandwool.Thehouseissettling.Beamsspeakoutofturn.Arudderlessmoththudsintheshade,andyoumoveinwiththedeferenc...
put sb to death把某人处死 hound sb. to death【法】 逼死某人 相似单词 anniversaryn.[C]周年纪念日 death's headn. 髑髅,刻髑髅的指环 deathn. 1.[C]死; 死亡 2.[U]生命的终止; 死亡的状态 3.[U]死神 4.[U]终止; 毁灭 Sb=Sales Book 售货簿 ...
anniversary of a death ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 anniversaryofadeath 忌辰() 也可见: anniversary名— 生日名 death名— 亡名 · 死亡名 · 去世名 · 身故名 · 死刑名 · 死因名 · 离世名 · 死命名 · 圆寂名 · 无禄名 · 故去名 of—...
the anniversary of sb's death 忌日相关短语 Tetoron (日) 蒂托纶聚酯纤维 Teiwalon (日) 帝和纶聚酰胺变形丝 Daitophor (日) 大东福尔荧光增白剂 Keidanren (日本) 经济团体联合会,经济团体联合会 Dianix dye (日) 大爱尼克司染料 Diapolon dye (日) 大爱波龙染料 Teijin Tetoron (日) 帝特龙聚酯纤维...
to celebrate your wedding anniversary 庆祝结婚纪念日 来自牛津词典 2. the theatre's 25th anniversary celebrations 剧院25周年庆祝活动 来自牛津词典 3. on the anniversary of his wife's death 在他妻子去世的周年忌日 来自牛津词典 4. ...the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh. 胡...
A person places a candle during a vigil honoring Penn State football coach Joe Paterno on the first anniversary of his death on Jan. 22, 2013, in State College, Pa. U.S. News Decision Points Your trusted source for the latest news delivered weekdays from the team at U.S. News and Wor...
"When resorting to the legal system for protection, there is a price to pay: time, money and the risk of losing your job. And as a result they took to cyberspace," she said. 劳动法专家、中国劳动关系学院教授蒋英说,睡眠时间被剥夺的科技公司员工发起的这种少见的抗议,凸显出员工维护自己权益时...
逝世周年the anniversary of the death The 20thanniversary of the deathof Princess Diana was remembered by fans across Britain Thursday. 8月31日,英国各地的戴安娜粉丝纪念戴安娜王妃逝世20周年。 8月31日是英国戴安娜王妃逝世二十周年(the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana's death),大批英国民众前往戴妃生前...