Besant's superb voice, spellbound by her eloquence and social passion". (60) Annie Besant joined the Social Democratic Federation and the Fabian Society. She became close to George Bernard Shaw who based the character, Raina Petkoff, in Arms and Man on Annie. A legal marriage was not ...
In 1890 Besant met Helena Blavatsky, and over the next few years her interest in theosophy grew, whilst her interest in secular matters waned. She became a member of the Theosophical Society and a prominent lecturer on the subject. As part of her theosophy-related work, she travelled to ...
So many women were the members of this organization. They themselves published journals related to women issues like Sati, Widow Remarriage, Child Marriage, Female Infanticide etc. Annie Besant was one of the important persons to establish the Women's Indian Association in Adayar.R. Kalaivani...
Annie Besant was a British social reformer, sometime Fabian socialist, theosophist, and Indian independence leader. Besant had been the wife of an Anglican clergyman. They separated in 1873, and Besant became associated for many years with the atheist an