ORGANIZATION#Appendix 2(b) PROTOCOL ON THE ACCESSION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA#Appendix 3 CHINA'S SCHEDULE OF SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS IN SERVICES#Annex 1 To China's Services Schedule#Annex 2 To China's Services Schedule#Annex 3 To China's Services Schedule#Appendix 4 GATS Services ...
respectively, are in Appendix V. 該條 例規程XV及 XVII分別訂明香港 大學校董會的組成方式及權力,有關條 文載於附錄V。 [...] for ranking submissions under a special funding window, if needed, and make proposals to the 45th Meeting, taking into account Annex XV...
Gangliocytic Paraganglioma of the Appendix; A Rare Case Report and Review PDF | Full-text Dr Saria Saeed Clodronate : A Potential DMOAD in Osteoarthtitis PDF | Full-text Luigi MolfettaKnowledge, Attitude, Acceptance and Utilization of the Female Condom Among Population in Brazzaville PDF | ...
[...] Appendix 6-E. The Governments of Germany and Japan as the “Cooperating IAs” will be responsible for carrying out the activities described in Appendices 6-D and 6-G. The Executive Committee agrees, in principle, to provide the Lead IA and the Cooperating IAs with the fees set out...
10 CFR section 430.23(h) (Appendix Z to Subpart B of Part 10 CFR 430) 百检网-专业的第三方检测检验平台,专业提供外部电源检测等相关检测检验服务,提供权威的CMA/CNAS检测报告,检测周期短、费用低、服务周到,做检测就上百检网。 10 CFR Section 430.23(aa) (Appendix Y to Subpart B of Part 430...
Appendix1toAnnexCof the Reporton"The Review of Domestic Rent Policy" by the Ad Hoc Committee [...] (資 料來源 :檢討公屋租金政策專責小組委員會發表的《公屋租金政策檢討報告》附件C附 錄 I的 摘錄 ) ...
本标准适用于以点燃式发动机或压燃式发动机为动力、最大设计车速大于或等于 50 km/h 的轻型汽 车(包括混合动力电动汽车)。 本标准规定了装用点燃式发动机的轻型汽车,在常温和低温下排气污染物、实际行驶排放(RDE) 排气污染物、曲轴箱污染物、蒸发污染物、加油过程污染物的排放限值及测量方法,污染控制装置耐久 性、...
Annex I to this Regulation shall apply from 1 April 2014, Annex II to this Regulation shall apply from 1 January 2015, Annex III to this Regulation shall apply from 1 April 2016. The revision is as follows: (1)附件Ⅰ: REACH 法规附件 XVII 的附录 2 插入: Appendix 2, the following ...
Also excluded are perfluoroalkane sulfonic acids and perfluoro phosphonic acids (including their salts, esters, halides and anhydrides) with ≥ 9 perfluorinated carbons or, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS), which are listed in the Appendix I Part A of the regulation VO (EU)...
歐盟委員會(EC)考慮到Annex XV限制報告及風險評估委員會 (RAC)和社會經濟分析委員會 (SEAC)的意見,認為物品中釋放的甲醛對人體健康存在風險,需要透過REACH Annex XVII管制甲醛的釋放限制值以降低風險,並且增加Appendix 14來指定甲醛的測試條件。 根據附錄14,物品釋放的甲醛應在試驗室的空氣中進行測量,並具有...