Mark StorerMark Moring
I wonder how many of you enjoy the historical details." --Anne Rice, April 1999 "Kathleen in San Antonio asks if I have experienced some of the supernatural things occurring in my books. Actually, I have experienced very little that is supernatural. I have had two decidedly prophetic ...
In some ways, the story is like Anne Rice’s vampire books: a morally ambiguous immortal does a lot of fuckshit, has feelings. But I knew it was going to end badly, and I just wasn’t up for it. That one was 100% on me. So! That’s my reading this year. God knows what I...
Dr. Catherine Riceatthe CDC's National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities said, ‘It's impossible to say how much is a true increase and how much is in identification.’ ‘A simple explanation is not apparent.’ ‘The CDC considers thisa significant public health concern. ...
and it was easy to fall into the certainty that she always would be. I was unfamiliar with her most celebrated works—The Left Hand of Darkness,The Dispossessed, books by which she became the first woman to win a Hugo Award for Best Novel, and then, five years later, the first woman ...
“Weird Tales” and Edgar Rice Burroughs’s “John Carter of Mars” books and then work its way forward to Orson Scott Card’s Alvin Maker series, Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” (an Englishman writing American fantasy) and, of course, Stephen King’s “Dark Tower” saga, with special ...
How many Little House on the Prairie books are there? How many books has Anne Rice written? How many Alice in Wonderland books are there? What is the order of the Anne of Green Gables books? How old is Anne in Anne of Green Gables? How many Charlie and the Chocolate Factory books ar...
AsAnneRice,I’mknownforcertainkindsofnovels;theRoquelaurebooksretainthename Roquelaure(evenwithmynameadded)toindicatethatthisissomething“different.”IfAnne Riceisonekindofsavorydish,wellthisisanotherentirely.Andsomemightfinditfartoo spicyfortheirtaste.Idon’tliketheideaofconfusingordisappointingreaders,sothepe...
cooked greens. A pot of cooked rice. A pot of simmering red stew. She spoons greens onto a bowl of rice. She spoons red sauce onto a bowl of rice. A glass jar of homemade granola. Glazed apricots. Robertson’s hands rolling the jar of granola. Red grapes in a ribbed glass...
Every good Rice reader knows vampires don't die. Most likely they will come back as movies.The first book, "Interview with the Vampire," written in 1976, was already made into a feature starring Tom Cruise two years ago. The film's $100 million dollar success means the remaining novel...