【来自投稿】1931年,德籍犹太女孩Anne Frank与姐姐Margot Frank坐在爸爸腿上拍下了这张照片。 1944年 一家人被纳粹发现并抓捕 1945年 姐姐去世不久后安妮也因伤寒逝世于贝尔根-贝尔森集中营,当时距离该集中营...
安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank),1929年6月12日出生于德国法兰克福的一个犹太家庭。她的原名为安内莉泽·玛丽(Anneliese Marie),但家人和朋友都习惯以昵称“安妮”(Anne)来称呼她,有时她的父亲奥托·弗兰克(Otto Frank)也会亲昵地叫她“小安妮”(Annelein)。 安妮的家庭在纳粹党上台后,由于反犹太主义的盛行,而不得不...
综述:Anne Frank was born into a Jewish family in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 12, 1929. She lived in Frankfurt with her father, Otto; her mother, Edith; and her older sister, Margot. Then, in 1933, her life in Germany began to change.The country had a new leader named A...
饰Anne Frank (a... Tatjana Blacher 演员 饰Edith Holland... Joachim Król 演员 饰Hermann van P... Jessica Manley 演员 饰Margot Frank Nicholas Audsley 演员 饰Peter van Pel... Jan Niklas 演员 饰Fritz Pfeffer 莉莉·泰勒 Lili Taylor
In July of 1942, Margot Frank was called to report to a concentration camp. The Franks were forced into hiding in an annex behind Mr. Frank’s business. The Franks, along with the Van Pels and Mr. Pfeffer, hid in the annex for about two years. During her time in hiding, Anne ...
Anne's family was made up of her mother, Edith Frank, her father, Otto Frank, herself, and her sister, Margot Frank. As liberal Jews the Frank's didn't live by all the traditional customs of Judaism. 914 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Anne Frank: Are People Really Good At ...
Anne Frank was a young girl who lived during the holocaust who lived during Hitler’s reign in Amsterdam. Only one problem: She was Jewish. In July of 1942, Margot Frank was called to report to a concentration camp. The Franks were forced into hiding in an annex behind Mr. Frank’s bu...
Anne was born on June 12, 1929, three years after her sister, Margot, in the town of Frankfurt-on-Main in Germany. Four years later, in the summer of 1933, the Frank family moved to Holland because Hitler had come to power in Germany and had introduced strict laws which discriminated ...
Learn about "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. Discover the diary of Anne Frank summary and explore the significance of Anne Frank and her...