(查看原文) Mr.Raindrop 2012-01-31 19:09:00 —— 引自章节:1944年2月27日 星期日 我能从彼得的脸上看出他和我心思一样多。 ... 可怜的彼得(凡·达恩),他太需要爱了。 ... 他紧紧地抱着他的孤独,抱着他假装出来的冷漠和大人样儿,但这不过是在演戏,从来就不是他真实感情的表达。可怜的彼得,这...
安妮・弗兰克(Anne Frank)1929年6月12日生,1945年死于德国贝尔森集中营时,距离她的16岁生日尚差3个月。 奥托・弗兰克(Otto H.Frank)安妮・弗兰克的父亲,是弗兰克一家经历纳粹恐怖统治后的唯一幸存者。他的余生致力传扬女儿的日记,1980年去世。 原文摘录 ···(全部) 对任何一...
The Franks were later joined by four other Jews.Over the next two years, Anne wrote faithfully in the diary. She came to consider her diary as a friend. Anne recorded the day-to-day life within the Secret Annex. The outgoing Anne came to find the conditions made her difficult to ...
完形填空。 Anne Frank was born in Germany in 1929. As her family was Jewi
Learn about the secret annex in Anne Frank's ''Diary of a Young Girl''. Read a description of Anne Frank's hideout and explore quotations about the...
Life in hiding For two years, eight people lived in the Secret Annex, according to Muller. The four Franks were joined by Hermann and Auguste van Pels and their 16-year-old son, Peter. In November 1942, Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist and friend of the Frank family, moved in. Pfeffer is ref...
京东JD.COM图书频道为您提供《现货 英文原版 安妮日记 Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex 二战 战争 少女成长日记 经典青少年读》在线选购,本书作者:,出版社:Random House Inc.。买图书,到京东。网购图书,享受最低优惠折扣!
Explore Anne Frank’s ''The Diary of a Young Girl.'' Study a summary and analysis of Anne Frank's diary, review her life in the secret annex, and...
In her amazing diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. But Hitler brought her childhood to an end and forced her and her family into hiding.Who Was Anne Frank?looks closely at Anne’s life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and...