After all, who actually decides which words make it into those pages? Language historian Anne Curzan gives a charming look at the humans behind dictionaries, and the choices they make. culture language TEDxAbout the speaker Anne Curzan Language historian See speaker profile English professor Ann...
After all, who actually decides which words make it into those pages? Language historian Anne Curzan gives a charming look at the humans behind dictionaries, and the choices they make. culture language TEDxAbout the speaker Anne Curzan Language historian See speaker profile English professor Anne...
TED中英官方演讲稿-AnneCurzan_2014X是什么让词汇成为“真的”.docx,1.I need to start by telling you a little bit about my social life, which I know may not seem relevant, but it is. 首先我需要告诉你 一些关于我的社交生活。 我知道这看起来也许没什么关联, 但的
AnneCurzan_2014X[安.柯尔占][是什么让词汇成为“真的”].pdf,TED演讲者 :Anne Curzan | 安.柯尔占 演讲标题 :What makes a word real? | 是什么让词汇成为 “真的”? 内容概要 :One could argue that slang words like ‘hangr ,. ‘defriend. and ‘adorkable. fill cr
Anne Curzan_ What makes a word _real 822020-12 2 A skateboard, with a boost _ Sanjay Dastoor 1022020-12 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1753 Anne of Avonlea by:樱花小美女 356 Anne Of Avonlea by:FionaHolmes 142 Anne-Li-Otto Brandenburg by:小众style 4877 little fox 7-Anne by:米果轻松学英语 5633 Anne...
Anne Curzan’s TED talk 17:13 Anne Curzan What makes a word "real"? PostedJun 2014 More news and ideas from Anne Curzan We humans 20 words that once meant something very different June 18, 2014 Words change meaning all the time -- and over time. Language historian Anne Curzan takes a...
Anne Curzan Language historian See speaker profile English professor Anne Curzan actually encourages her students to use slang in class. A language historian, she is fascinated by how people use words—and by how this changes. Learn more 20 words that once meant something different Nice, silly,...
English professor Anne Curzan actually encourages her students to use slang in class. A language historian, she is fascinated by how people use words—and by how this changes. Learn more 20 words that once meant something different Nice, silly, awful, flirt — how have these words changed mea...
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