Annals of Translational Medicine is indexed in PubMed in Sept 2014 and in SCIE in 2018 (2018 Impact Factor: 3.689; 2019 Impact Factor: 3.297; 2020 Impact Factor: 3.932). Specific areas of interest include, but not limited to, multimodality therapy, epidemiology, biomarkers, imaging, biology, ...
Annals Of Translational Medicine(2023-2024年最新版数据) 按JIF指标学科分区收录子集分区排名百分位 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,...
I was looking up the rank for journal publication, Annals of Translational Medicine; SCImago says it's a Q1 journal under the Medicine (miscellaneous) category but it isn't actually listed. Is this a site error or a ranking error? Reply MMelanie Ortiz 8 months ago Dear Sir/Madam,Thank ...
The Annals of Joint is an interdisciplinary forum for the rapid publication of original articles, editorials, technique notes, case reports and reviews on clinical, translational, and basic aspects of bone and joint.
期刊名称:《Annals of Translational Medicine》 | 2020年第12期 70.The passive leg raising under pressure: focus on the impact of intra-abdominal hypertension 机译:在压力下被动抬高腿:着重于腹内高压的影响 作者:Victor Beaucoté;Guillaume Geri;Antoine Vieillard-Baron 期刊名称:《Annals of Translational...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 3.1 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 11 days Downloads 1,312,677 (2024) Calls for papers Collection Translational and clinical approaches to hematology This collection showcases translational and clinical hematological research. Status Open for submissions ...
期刊名称:《Annals of Translational Medicine》 | 2015年第Suppl 2期 7.AB007. Genomic medicine: impact of rare disease research on medicine and health care 机译:AB007。基因组医学:罕见病研究对医学和卫生保健的影响 作者:Yoichi Matsubara 期刊名称:《Annals of Translational Medicine》 | 2015年第Suppl...
As the leading resource in surgical oncology, Annals of Surgical Oncology, emphasizes clinical and translational research advancing surgical cancer care. The official journal of the Society of Surgical Oncology, ASO delivers high author satisfaction and a global audience. Editor-in-Chief Kelly M. Mc...
Biomarkers & translational research (agnostic) Breast cancer, early stage Breast cancer, locally advanced Breast cancer, metastatic CNS tumours Colorectal cancer Developmental therapeutics Endocrine tumours Germ cell (testicular) cancer and penile cancer Gynaecological cancers Haematological malignancies Head and...
期刊名称:《Annals of Translational Medicine》 | 2017年第10期 17.Inflammation in the spotlight—clinical relevance of genetic variants affecting nuclear factor κB and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 机译:聚焦炎症-影响核因子κB和肿瘤坏死因子受体1的遗传变异的临床意义 作者:Francisco J. Ortega;José ...