James Ussher'sAnnals of the Worldis a historical chronology of the ancient world from the beginning-of-time to 70 A.D.. With precise accuracy, Ussher gives us the true accounts of the people and events that shaped the world and contributed to the rise and fall of nations and ancient ...
James Ussher, The Annals of the World, revised and updated by Larry and Marion Pierce (Green Forest, AR, 2003). First published in Latin in 1658.Ussher, J.; L. Pierce and M. Pierce (2003), The Annals of the World, Volume 1, New Leaf Publishing Group.USSHER, J.: The Annals of ...
Historic timeline (4004 BC to 33 AD) as depicted in the Annals of the World by James Ussher
James Ussher
However, perhaps on account of Ireland's peripheral situation in Europe, it came only slowly to the attention of Western scholarship. James Ussher ( 1656 ) and his younger contemporary, James Ware ( 1666 ), both collected and cited these Irish Annals in their published articles, and indeed ...