A leading surgery medical journal reporting on innovations in surgical practice and technique, including current clinical issues and monthly review articles Affiliated Societies: American Surgical Association European Surgical Association
期刊全称:Annals of Surgery;NLM刊名缩写:Ann Surg;国际标准期刊编号(ISSN): 0003-4932;出版国家:美国;起始出版年份:1885;首次期刊引证报告(JCR)年份:1997;出版周期:12期/年;出版商:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;学科分类:SURGERY。 期刊简介&收录范围: 《外科年刊》是世界上引用量最高的外科期刊,是了解外科科学...
今日起分享2022年发表在Annals of Surgery(IF:13.787)上的文章Updated Alternative Fistula Risk Score (ua-FRS) to Include Minimally Invasive Pancreatoduodenectomy Pan-European Validation。这篇文章旨在验证和优化替代性瘘管风险评分(a...
期刊全称:Annals of Surgical Oncology;NLM刊名缩写:Ann Surg Oncol;国际标准期刊编号(ISSN):1068-9265;出版国家:美国;起始出版年份:1994;首次期刊引证报告(JCR)年份:1997;出版周期:13期/年;出版商:Springer;学科分类:ONCOLOGY;SURGERY。 期刊简介&收录范围: Annals of Surgical Oncology(ASO)是全球外科肿瘤学家和癌...
微创手术肿瘤医院食管鳞癌队列研究11月11日,外科学领域期刊ANNALS OF SURGERY在线发表了北京大学肿瘤医院柯杨教授课题组题为"Minimally invasive or open esophagectomy for treatment of resectable esophagealsquamous cell carcinoma?Answer from a real-world multicenter study"的研究报告.该研究采用多中心真实世界队列研究...
In the ever-evolving landscape of surgery, where advancements occur at an astonishing pace, it is crucial to remember and honor the contributions... Status Open for submissions Submission deadline Ongoing View all calls for papers Societies and partnerships ...
Annals of Vascular Surgery - Brief Reports and Innovations is a peer reviewed, open access journal. Open Access Licences User rights All articles published gold open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download, copy and distribute. We offer...
Annals of Breast Surgery focusing on cutting-edge findings in the field of breast cancer surgery and reconstruction technique, neoadjuvant therapy, genetic susceptibility and prophylactic mastectomy.
The Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ACS, Ann Cardiothorac Surg, Print ISSN 2225-319X; Online ISSN 2304-1021) is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication, dedicated to the field of cardiothoracic surgery.
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