【MBAChina網訊】廈門大學管理學院2016級碩士研究生黃虎、導師管理科學系韓水華教授與南方科技大學駱宗緯教授和蒙彼利埃商學院Cyril Foropon教授合作撰寫的論文“Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourcing and Internet of Things in Disaster Response”于2018年5月10日發表在國際B類期刊《Annals Of Operation Research》上。
这期刊本来就是很慢的,一个多月with editor很正常
投稿annals of operation research8个月,依然是with edit for review,期间也写过email崔,说是编辑、...
We study two new cyclic reservation schemes for the efficient operation of systems consisting of a single server and multiple queues. The schemes are the Globally Gated regime and the Cyclic-Reservation Multiple-Access (CRMA). Both procedures possess mechanisms for prioritizing the queues and lend th...
人家官网写了啊https://www.springer.com/journal/10479/ Submission to first decision 219days Submissi...