annals of case reports and clinical studiesannals of case reports and clinical studies annals of case reports and clinical studies的中文意思为:病例报告和临床研究编年史©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Annals of Case Reports is an International high impact factor case report journal which publishes case reports articles.
Background: Two types of intracorporeal anastomosis can be used in Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy (Lap-RH) for right side colon cancer, namely, Functional End to End Anastomosis (FEEA) and Overlap Anastomosis (OLA). However, the efficacy of these two techniques remain unclear. The purpose of...
大神们,annals of case reports这个期刊有听说的吗?我博士朋友因为第一次投英文文章,不小心投了这个...
MAKING A CASE FOR MORE CASE REPORTS At present the publishing of case reports or case series involving small numbers of cases is controversial. While in the past they were commonly published by most journals, recently a number of prominent journals have either stopped publ... OF Fagbule - 《...
Ann Case Rep, an open access journal Annals of Case Reports Case Report Severe Acute Pancreatitis Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infection: Case Report Introduction: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) induced by coronavirus (COVID-19) is responsible for the current...
Annals of Medical Case Reports (ISSN: 2689-5927) is an international, peer reviewed, scientific journal that publishes interesting cases, case series, latest findings in all areas of medicine. Our journal promotes novel research works conducted as case r
Annals of Case Reports & Reviewsare detailed report of the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, therapeutic techniques and solutions of individuals, a small group of participants, or categories as a whole in the field of medical and life sciences. Clinical case studies deal with designing a case study...
Note: PREOP: Pre-operation 1: rst course of chemotherapy Shan Kang, et al., Annals of Clinical Case Reports - Oncology Remedy Publications LLC., | http://anncaserep/ 2017 | Volume 2 | Article 1277 3 the origination o non-uterine high grade serous carcinoma (HGSC). ...