Annals of Case Reports is an International high impact factor case report journal which publishes case reports articles.
Background: Two types of intracorporeal anastomosis can be used in Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy (Lap-RH) for right side colon cancer, namely, Functional End to End Anastomosis (FEEA) and Overlap Anastomosis (OLA). However, the efficacy of these two techniques remain unclear. The purpose of...
Annals of Medical Case Reports (ISSN: 2689-5927) is an international, peer reviewed, scientific journal that publishes interesting cases, case series, latest findings in all areas of medicine. Our journal promotes novel research works conducted as case r
At present the publishing of case reports or case series involving small numbers of cases is controversial. While in the past they were commonly published by most journals, recently a number of prominent journals have either stopped publ... OF Fagbule - 《Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine》...
Case reports and case series have their own role in the progress of medical science. They permit discovery of new diseases and unexpected effects (adverse or beneficial) as well as the study of mechanisms, and they play an important role... Vandenbroucke,P Jan - 《Annals of Internal Medici...
Annals of Case Reports & Reviewsare detailed report of the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, therapeutic techniques and solutions of individuals, a small group of participants, or categories as a whole in the field of medical and life sciences. Clinical case studies deal with designing a case study...
Citation:Ann Clin Case Rep. 2021;6(1):1939.DOI:10.25107/2474-1655.1939 Aggressive Esophageal Carcinoma with Multilineage Differentiation by Immunohistochemistry Daniel F Gallego, Florencia G Jalikis and Deepti M Reddi Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington School of Medi...
Annals of Clinical Case Reports (ISSN: 2474-1655) is one of the Best online open access international journal. Our Article Rejection Ratio is nearly 83.75% means we have followed very strict review process for each and every article under the guidance of