Annals of Animal Science.I would like to ask you, why is here written country Germany when this journal is polish?Thank you. Marcela Reply MMelanie Ortiz 5 years ago Dear Marcela, SJR is a portal with scientometric indicators of journals indexed in Scopus. SJR has no authority over the dat...
学科:AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCESCIEQ224 / 80 70.63% 名词解释: WOS即Web of Science,是全球获取学术信息的重要数据库,Web of Science包括自然科学、社会科学、艺术与人文领域的信息,来自全世界近9,000种最负盛名的高影响力研究期刊及12,000多种学术会议多学科内容。给期刊分区时会按照某一个学科领域...
《动物科学年鉴》(Annals Of Animal Science)是一本以AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Walter de Gruyter出版商创刊于2001年,刊期Semiannual。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成...
Influence of Management Systems on Severity of Heat Stress and Reproductive Performance of Rams in the Tropics – A Review Mazlishah, Mohd Shahmi Hakimi;Fauzi, Nuradilla Mohamad;Nor, Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Mohd;Hashim, Noor Hashida 2024Annals of Animal Science ...
期刊名称Annals of Animal Science ANN ANIM SCI 期刊ISSN1642-3402 期刊官方网站 是否OA是 出版商Walter de Gruyter GmbH 出版周期Semiannual 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份 年文章数71 影响因子1.8(2023)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 ...
Annals of Animal Science accepts original papers and reviews from the different topics of animal science: genetic and farm animal breeding, the biology, physiology and reproduction of animals, animal nutrition and feedstuffs, environment, hygiene and animal production technology, quality of animal origin...
投稿须知【官网信息】 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS OF RESEARCH PAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE “ANNALS OF ANIMAL SCIENCE” I. General Rules 1. The “Annals of Animal Science” include original research papers which have not been published either in part or as a whole in any other scientific journal, except...
研究方向:AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 学科领域:AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE Annals of Animal Science accepts original papers and reviews from the different topics of animal science: genetic and farm animal breeding, the biology, physiology and reproduction of animals...
Annals of Animal Science 动物科学年鉴 ISSN:1642-3402 出版周期:Semiannual 是否OA:No 年发文量:71 出版地:POLAND 官网: 较慢,6-12周审稿时间 容易平均录用比例 1.515影响因子 2024年SCI期刊影响因子出炉 获取相关优质资源 精准匹配期刊 该...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址:http://www.degruyter.deAnnals of Animal Science《动物科学年刊》(Email投稿)的期刊点评返回该期刊 本刊点评浏览 暂无点评信息 我要点评 欢迎点评!让信息更透明,使投稿更轻松!关于...