Anna Nagurney and June Dong lay out the theory of supernetworks, networks that exist over and above existing electronic networks, in order to formalize decision-making in the Information Age. Supernetworks are conceptual in scope, graphical in perspective, and, with the accompanying theory, ...
AnnaNagurney DepartmentofFinanceandOperationsManagement IsenbergSchoolofManagement UniversityofMassachusetts Amherst,Massachusetts01003 and LadimerS.Nagurney DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering UniversityofHartford WestHartford,CT06117 February2011;revisedMay2011 TransportationResearchE48:(2012),pp89-99. Abstract:...
Stability, sensitivity analysis, and computation of competitive network equilibria: Anna Nagurney, 1983 (Dissertation in the division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912)doi:10.1016/0191-2607(84)90121-3NoneELSEVIERTransportation Research Part A General...
Friesz,T. L.Supply chain network economics:Dynamics of prices, flows, and profits. Journal of Regional Science . 2008Nagurney, A. 2006. Supply Chain Network Economics: Dynamics of Prices, Flows, and Profits. Edward Elgar, England.Nagurney, A. (2006). Supply chain network economics: dynamics ...
Nagurney, A. 2006. Supply Chain Network Economics Dynamics of Prices, Flows, and Profits. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Chel- tenham, UK.Friesz,T. L.Supply chain network economics:Dynamics of prices, flows, and profits. Journal of Regional Science . 2008...