The movie star's personal possessions, including her sunglasses, shoes and furs, brought in an unexpected $1.6 million at auction this weekend -- proving the "Anna Karenina" star is as beloved as other Hollywood icons.“Greta Garbo commanded Marilyn Monroe prices today,” Martin Nolan, the ...
Anna: We can watch free movies.Dale: Sounds good. What elseAnna: We can also go to the Dancing Club to do exercise.Dale: That’s cool. 【3】Anna: And it offers training classes and has the cloud service.Dale: How interesting! 【4】Anna: Both are OK. Besides, there is a big ...
buy one actress, get one free. One first class round trip and I can talk about both movies. Yeah, Anna Karenina is an astonishing piece of filmmaking and Joe Wright is a truly visionary man and I've got a small enough part in Anna Karenina to be able to say I unconditionally love...
With franchise “Pirates of the Caribbean” long behind her, last weekend’s low-budget entry“Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”was no comeback from “The Duchess” and “Silk.” But withJoe Wright’s “Anna Karenina,”due November 9, she’s primed t...
The movie star's personal possessions, including her sunglasses, shoes and furs, brought in an unexpected $1.6 million at auction this weekend -- proving the "Anna Karenina" star is as beloved as other Hollywood icons.“Greta Garbo commanded Marilyn Monroe prices today,” Martin Nolan, the ...
With franchise “Pirates of the Caribbean” long behind her, last weekend’s low-budget entry“Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”was no comeback from “The Duchess” and “Silk.” But withJoe Wright’s “Anna Karenina,”due November 9, she’s primed to return to the spotlight...