1E4dJituonre: P2a0b23lo BeneitoHeidegger's ontological difference between being and entities, and the definition of being in excess tof any particular entitative determination, calls for an ethic of pluralism and acceptance of the Published: 17 July 2023 Copyright: © 2023 by the author. Li...
The reason might be the underestimation of the reactivity difference of primary and secondary alcohol functional groups of glycerol in Flory's theory. Information about the degree of branching is extracted from inverse-gated 13C NMR (IG 13C NMR). The degree of branching (DB) of a hyperbranched...
It is based on applying the hypertonic solution, using the concentration difference for water diffusion from the food matrix to the present solution [8]. The list of possible applications of the drying process of vegetables is very long, and most of them can be used at the industrial level;...
applied sciences AArrttiiccllee EEssttaabblliisshhiinngg aann AANNNN--BBaasseedd RRiisskk MMooddeell ffoorr GGrroouunndd SSuubbssiiddeennccee AAlloonngg RRaaiillwwaayyss Heesung Lee 1 and Jeongho Oh 2,* Heesung Lee 1 and Jeongho Oh 2,* 1 Department of Railroad Electrical and Electronics...
ymin is minimum function value and ymax is maximum function value. The difference of normalized fitness values is calculated as dp+1 = | fp − fp+1|, p = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N − 1 and dp = 0 The following equation calculates the adaptive score value n scoren = n + ∑di...