Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis of the spine, and is considered to be an autoimmune disease. The disorder brings back pain, stiffness, and loss of spinal mobility due to involvement of the spinal joints, and in advanced cases the joints become fused and rigid. The hips and...
Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis that leads to rigidity of the spine. Reviewed by a board-certified rheumatologist.
Ankylosing spondylitis and mental health Having a long-term inflammatory condition such as AS often brings feelings of frustration and sadness. It can lead to depression or anxiety. There are several reasons for this: Physical symptoms such as pain and fatigue ...
Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of chronic inflammatory arthritis that primarily affects the joints, ligaments, and tendons of the spine. Specifically, ankylosing spondylitis causes enthesitis — inflammation where the tendons, ligaments, and bones meet. A hallmark of ankylosing spondylitis is inflammation...
Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine and sacroiliac joints and causes low back pain and progressive spinal stiffness.
: a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the spine and sacroiliac joints and often other joints (as of the shoulder) and that is marked by pain and stiffness Note: Ankylosing spondylitis is more common in males, with symptoms typically appearing during the late teens through the early ...
强直性脊柱炎(Ankylosing spondylitis,来自希腊语ankylos, crooked; spondylos, vertebrae; -itis, inflammation),以前称为Bechterew病或综合征(病变始于颈椎,并逐渐向下延伸,此种类型的强直性脊柱炎称为Bechterew病)和Marie-Strümpell病,是一种轴向骨骼的慢性炎症性疾病,...
SPONDYLITIS What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)? Ankylosing spondylitis (pronounced ank-kih-low-sing spon-dill-eye-tiss) is an inflammatory type of arthritis that can cause pain and stiffness: In the spinal joints In the joints between the spine and hip In other joints, too, more commonly in...
Skin.A rash is sometimes a symptom of ankylosing spondylitis. And many people who have AS also get psoriasis or other inflammatory skin diseases. Heart.The systemwide inflammation that comes with AS makes you more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. But over time, the disease may also...
The primary goals of treating ankylosing spondylitis are to reduce inflammation, relieve symptoms, and prevent progression.1 NSAIDs reduce inflammation and alleviate back pain with their anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment strategies, including medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes target the...