王玉梅TOEFL词汇(5236词) 德中的几个例子: 德语专四单词表(519词); 德英:German Vocabulary (4446词), 2500 most frequent German words (2500词,反面无定义). Anki下载 http://ankisrs.net/ Anki网络版: http://ankiweb.net/ (卡片需从桌面版下载)国人的一个论坛:http://emagic.org.cn/forum.php?
I'm not really sure why but this is something I am curious about. Right now the main deck I use for studying Chinese, which is mostly Chinese words with English answers, is 5268 cards with 68 leeches. I'm curious how many leeches different people have.
“Trying to create my own ANKI deck, I found it time consuming and boring. I chose you because I wanted convenience, I dont have time to make the deck myself and you did a much better job. This is why I loved the 650 deck and now the 2000 deck.” Tim J. – Chief Product Offic...
2. Deck Archiving - Need a break from a deck but don’t want to delete it completely? You can now archive decks to keep your library tidy while still retaining access for later. 3. Card Preview During Creation - See exactly how your card will appear in learning while creating it, so ...
- Language learners - flashcards are well known as the best way to study new vocabulary. The huge library helps to find a perfect ready-to-use deck and not to waste time creating your own flashcards. App interface is simple and clear but at the same time, the app is extremely powerful...
- Anki Deck Support: Easily import and use your existing anki decks within Noji. Noji is perfect for: - Students: Join thousands of students who use Noji to study lecture materials and prepare for exams. - Language learners: Use flashcards to enhance your vocabulary and learn languages anywher...
Anki is a very effective program to learn vocabulary, but anki does not have any way togenerate cards automatically. Given a word in English, Spanish, French, German or Italian this bot will send you definitions with sentence examples and with a tap you can add them to your anki deck. ...
“I am learning Dutch as I live in the Netherlands. I want to be able to get by after being here for a while and not even bothering to learn. I was attracted to your product after reading a fluency made easy book, then trying to create my own ANKI deck. I found it time consuming...
Step 2: Import a Deck The easiest way is to click on the file (.apkg extension) you downloaded from anki-decks.com. Then choose AnkiDroid to open the file. OR Launch AnkiDroid on your Android device. Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner. Tap on "Import" and choose the ...
For instance, when learning Spanish, you get the option to view the vocabulary from Spanish to German or vice versa, or only the Spanish verbs, or all. Not just that, if you click on the Tag option, you can change the type of words you would like to learn, viz., nouns, PAOXL-Spa...