Anjanath Nosebone 20% Anjanath Fang 15% Anjanath Plate 5% Tail Carved Anjanath Tail 70% Anjanath Scale 25% Anjanath Plate 5% Dropped Material Anjanath Scale 50% Anjanath Fang 28% Wyvern Tear 22% Bandit Mantle Large Scale 70% Beautiful Scale 30% Plunderblade Anjanath Scale 40% Anjanath Pelt 32...
Anjanath resembles a Tyrannosaurus; it has black and grey fur on its back which coupled with its flesh-toned scales, make it look similar to the archetypal image of a vulture. Its hide is primarily pink in color, while a dark pelt covers its back which ends in a ruff at the neck, lea...
Anjanath Scale+ Rare Anjanath material. Mostly obtained by carving. Broadly used for many purposes. Rarity 6 Rarity x99 Max 1,060z Buy Where to find Anjanath Scale+ High RankAnjanathMonster tracksx1100% High RankAnjanathBreak Anjanath's hindlegsx2100% ...
Anjanath is a large Monster that you can slay or capture in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics:The Anjanath patrols the Ancient Forest, looking for its favorite meal, Aptonoth. This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. Useful Information:Anjanath spits fiery blasts from its...
南印中字歌舞《复仇卡巴迪》:Anjanathi1生2世 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 932 0 04:02 App 印度歌舞 Zubaan Pe Jo Nahin Aaye 450 0 02:28 App 【4K】南印中字歌舞《神秘特工》:Rama Krishna 341 0 03:04 App 【4K】南印中字歌舞《神秘特工》:Malli Malli 920 0 08:05 App...
今天小编就为大家分享一款简单的怪物猎人世界冰原薄荷AnjanathMOD,补丁可以为玩家们带来更多的怪物外观选择,玩家使用后即可在游戏中获得两个 Anjanaths 的全新皮肤,薄荷的配色,使怪物看起来更加帅气,只改变造型不改变属性。 使用方法 1、只需将nativePC文件解压缩到Steam⁄Steamapps⁄common⁄MonsterHunterWorld文件夹...
可以来试试小编现在为大家分享的这款怪物猎人世界冰原可疑AnjanathMOD,补丁的作者为玩家们带来了一款可疑的Anjanath外观,对原本的着装进行重新着色,玩家使用之后就能获得新的外观了,只是重命名并将它们放置在其他东西上。 使用方法 1、只需将nativePC文件解压缩到Steam⁄Steamapps⁄common⁄MonsterHunterWorld文件夹下 ...
MHW:I Monster Figure: Anjanath (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.) Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 5.00Average rating 5 stars out of 5 stars from 4 ratings 4 ratings 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% Game and Legal Info A monster figure you can use to decorate your room.Decorate your...
Enthält folgenden Inhalt: ● Navirous Outfit: Fulgur-Anjanath-Kostüm Dieser Inhalt ist rein kosmetisch und gewährt keine spielerischen Vorteile. Hinweis: Starte das Spiel nach dem Kauf neu, um den Zusatzinhalt zu erhalten. Outfits können über die Truhe in deinem Haus gewechselt werden, ...