Kapoor began to explore the theme of “the void” in large-scale stone works, some with defined insides and outsides and others that clearly delineate empty spaces
Anish Kapoor 1 December 1989 – 4 January 1990 Anish Kapoor 11 April – 7 May 1988 Anish Kapoor: Recent Sculpture 4 September – 23 September 1985 Anish Kapoor 22 October – 19 November 1983 Anish Kapoor 19 May – 12 June 1982 Shop In the shadow of the tree and the knot of ....
object itself and onto the floor or wall. With this methodology, Kapoor produced bodies of work such as 1000 Names which became part of his first high-profile exhibit in the New Sculpture exhibition at the Hayward Gallery London in 1978. Void Field (1990) In the 1980s, he became know for...
安尼施·卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)早在2008年就为纽约曼哈顿创作了这一大型雕塑,如今终于完工揭幕,这个尚未正式命名的作品被俗称为“豆子”( "the bean")。 “豆子”( "the bean")纽约一栋摩天大楼的底部 © Michael Young 这不禁让人立刻想起安尼施·卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)另一经典巨制:位于芝加哥的千禧公园的 "云...
“内外翻转世界” ©YSPsculpture(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) 张拉膜/充气膜 膜结构是一些特定建筑常用的结构形式。利用张拉膜、充气膜形成的三维异形形体与异形的建筑体块更为接近,能够提供简单功能内部空间的膜结构雕塑实则已与建筑相差无几。 “海怪” ©n e o g e j o(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) ...
object itself and onto the floor or wall. With this methodology, Kapoor produced bodies of work such as 1000 Names which became part of his first high-profile exhibit in the New Sculpture exhibition at the Hayward Gallery London in 1978....
Anish Kapoor, Indian-born British sculptor known for his use of abstract biomorphic forms and his penchant for rich colors and polished surfaces. He was also the first living artist to be given a solo show at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. His best
🔫安尼施·卡普尔 纸上作品 🧲Anish Kapoor is a leading contemporary British-Indian artist working in large-scale abstract public sculpture. 当代艺术超话 设计美学超话 美学超话 绘画超话#遇见艺术# k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转
View Cyan to Purple by Anish Kapoor on artnet. Browse more artworks Anish Kapoor from Regen Projects.
Kapoor said, what I have been doing ispresent the side which doesnt exist in this world, a fantasy, it comes from the mind and soul,perceived this side out bysculpture , this is what I have been trying to do. 我说,这不是the poetics of space所阐述的space is filled up by the human ...