Anish Kapoor ,“Black Whirpool”,2014 在“Black Whirpool(黑色漩涡)“中,Kapoor创造出了一个变化着的活跃物体,安静的水流制造出的漩涡地不停刺激着观众的感官,提醒着观众眼前不断形成但又马上消失的空间。黑色的液体在圆形里面不停的汇聚,重生,重复着单一的形态。水本身没有形状,但在 Kapoor的作品里面,他将水这...
Works in progress using black pigment, one of Kapoor’s great recent obsessions © Anish Kapoor. Photography by Julian Broad 在威尼斯,卡普尔将终于首次对外展出《Kapoor Black》系列作品。每件雕塑都被置于一个盒子中,呈现出眩目的、令人眼花缭乱的黑色,很明显,这是世界上最深的黑色。此系列没有其它的展览...
Non-Object Black2019, Kapoor Black, 39 x 39 x 12 cm, 15.35 x 15.35 x 4.72 in. Palazzo Manfrin, Venezia Non-Object Black2018, Kapoor Black, 65 x 45 x 13 cm, 25.59 x 17.71 x 5.11 in. Photo: Attilio Maranzano. Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venezia God's Advice to Adam III2022, oil on...
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Anish Kapoor is India’s most distinguished and admired artist. This site is an online resource for Anish Kapoor’s biography, artwork, paintings, articles, awards, videos and books.
Anish Kapoor is India’s most distinguished and admired artist. This site is an online resource for Anish Kapoor’s biography, artwork, paintings, articles, awards, videos and books.
Anish Kapoor brings in his work tensions between matter and void. The article focuses on a series of works carried out between 2019 and 2021, relating them to the theme of materiality and its absence. Titled Non-object (Black), the artworks use the technique used by the a...
Black Lives Matter, Untitled, Dumped, The Guardian 14.03.2020, Regen Projects 2020, MD Marcello Dantas AK Anish Kapoor MD A catalogue raisonné of Anish Kapoor could very well work as a physics… In conversation with Marcello Dantas, The Guardian 12.02.2020, CAFA Art Museum / Imperi...
Black Lives Matter, Untitled, Dumped, The Guardian 14.03.2020, Regen Projects 2020, MD Marcello Dantas AK Anish Kapoor MD A catalogue raisonné of Anish Kapoor could very well work as a physics… In conversation with Marcello Dantas, The Guardian 12.02.2020, CAFA Art Museum / Imperi...
Anish Kapoor "ArcelorMittal Orbit" (2012) at Strafford stadium (Courtesy Paolo Scaruffi) Millennium Park - Anish Kapoor: Cloud Gate (2004) Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate Cloud Gate My Red Homeland, Milan (2011)...