Born to a Hindu father and a Jewish mother from Baghdad, Kapoor had an Indian- Jewish upbringing. He was educated in the prestigious all-boys boarding school, The Doon School in Dehradun, India and in 1971 moved to Israel to live in a kibbutz. He later began his study in electrical engi...
Born to a Hindu father and a Jewish mother from Baghdad, Kapoor had an Indian- Jewish upbringing. He was educated in the prestigious all-boys boarding school, The Doon School in Dehradun, India and in 1971 moved to Israel to live in a kibbutz. He later began his study in electrical engi...
Anish Kapoor, (born March 12, 1954, Bombay [now Mumbai], India), Indian-born British sculptor known for his use of abstract biomorphic forms and his penchant for rich colors and polished surfaces. He was also the first living artist to be given a solo show at the Royal Academy of Arts ...
Kapoor’s exercises in colour focused on the primary colours blue, red and yellow. The artist has moved on to experiment with other tones throughout his career. Red has been one of the most prominent and frequently explored by Kapoor; its deep, visceral and associative qualities being particula...
Anish Kapoor is internationally recognized as one of today’s leading contemporary artists. Renowned for sculptures that are adventures in form and engage pub...
威尼斯学院美术馆安尼施卡普尔个展现场, 2022 © Anish Kapoor. Courtesy Gallerie Accademia and the artist. Photography by Attilio Maranzano 近两年来,卡普尔的绘画展览项目在全球各地展出。2021年在牛津现代艺术博物馆举办了重要的绘画展览;此外,在今年的威尼斯双年展上,卡普尔在历史悠久的威尼斯学院美术馆及曼弗林...
云门实景 © Anish Kapoor 不锈钢表面反映了芝加哥千禧公园和周围城市天际线的活动和灯光,邀请游客触摸并与它镜面进行互动,人们也可从不同角度看到自己的形象。 安尼施·卡普尔 在艺术与建筑之境探索形而上的创作 Anish Kapoor©Philippe Chancel Courtesy the artist and Lisson Gallery ...
Japanese architect Arata Isozaki teamed up with Indian-born Anish Kapoor to design the orb-like structure, which is modelled on the inflatable Leviathan sculptures created by the artist for a past exhibition in Paris. The 500-seat performance venue is designed to stage performances ranging from ...
Anish Kapoor, Indian-born British sculptor known for his use of abstract biomorphic forms and his penchant for rich colors and polished surfaces. He was also the first living artist to be given a solo show at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. His best