Whenanimusis used in conjunction with other words of Latin origin, its most common meaning is "the intention of." For example,animus revocandiis the intention of revoking;animus possidendiis the intention of possessing. Animo, meaning "with intent," may be employed in a manner similar toani...
从实质构成要素上说,令状占有,要求体素即“体控”,还要求“占有心素”(Animus Possidendi)。其中,体控可界定为:对应于 …longweqiu.fyfz.cn|基于11个网页 2. 占有意图 ...任何使用和排除他人之权力,无论多么小均足矣,如伴随占有意图(animus possidendi),前提是他人没有占有意图和相同 …hotfrost.fyfz.cn|基于...
Article Animus possidendi und Berührung beim Besitzerwerb was published on August 1, 1942 in the journal Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung (volume 62, issue 1).