Ghost in the Shell (2017) is Hollywood's remake of Anime of the same title, Kôkaku Kidôtai (1995), one of the few Animes that somewhat inspired a Hollywood movie. These are some Hollywood movies that may or may not have been inspired by the previou
I know that may be too fast, but it is a really great anime. Watch it till the 10th episode and I can guarantee you will not be able to move unless you have finished it! I've watched every sports anime ever made, and Major is by far the BEST out of all of them. It has ...
Whether you are an avid gamer, a fan of animes or simply curious about play & earn, Ragnarok Landverse is an experience that builds communities in a web3 gaming environment.This whitepaper gives players an understanding on the game and web3 features we are introducing. New systems will be ...