Erza Scarlet, a powerful and skilled warrior from the Fairy Tail series, is known for her exceptional swordsmanship and ability to wield various types of swords. Her vast arsenal of magical weapons and armor make her a formidable opponent in battle. Strong, determined, and fiercely loyal, Erza...
With genres ranging from romance to fantasy, anime movies offer something for every cinephile. The best anime movies of all time bring together storytelling styles, character arcs, and visual journeys that set them apart. These films excel not just because of the animation but also through their...
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Cow and Chicken Coyote Munch Mini-Mart Crafty Kids Club Craig of the Creek Crank Yankers Crapston Villas Crash Canyon Crashbox Crazylegs Crane Creative Galaxy Creature Comforts Creature Commandos Cro Crocadoo Crossing Swords Crumbs Crusader Rabbit Ctrl Alt Del Cubix: Robots for Everyone Cupcake & Dino...
Do you like beautiful, well-endowed girls in sexy metal bikini-style armour fighting one another with swords and magic? Do you like some girl-on-girl action that is right there on the screen? If so, then Queen’s Blade: Rebellion will be right up your alley! These fighting ladies are ...
In the picturesque small-town life appears to be simple and trouble-free. Only for the first sight. Once you spend a little more time there, you have to realize nothing is as they seem. Saya is to the rescue; an average-looking school girl, who is the master of swords. She is going...
A complete updated list of all the Anime movies and shows on Netflix with filters to sort anime by ratings, genre, and more. Watch trailers for each anime.
andalsorealises that she was the masked agent. Berita is the daughter of Luigi Lopez (Wilho Imari), once the richest man in Bueno Aires, ruined by the machinations of the enemy agent Thomas Gardner (Santeri Karilo), who is somehow also responsible for Timo’s fiancée breaking up with ...
Erza Scarlet, a powerful and skilled warrior from the Fairy Tail series, is known for her exceptional swordsmanship and ability to wield various types of swords. Her vast arsenal of magical weapons and armor make her a formidable opponent in battle. Strong, determined, and fiercely loyal, Erza...
In Afro Samurai, people have their heads cut off by swords...need we continue? The first episode of each show is included below when available, so you can watch the greatest gore anime right here on this page! Try a few out before committing to an entire series. These just may be ...