The incomparable Raizo ICHIKAWA returns in the final four Sleepy Eyes of Death, jam-packed with scheming officials, devil-worshippers, hidden christians, psychotic royalty, and even two nuns with guns! Oh, and there's a harem too! One of the most iconic and longest-running samurai film series...
When it comes to TV series, there are four anime seasons in Japan. They begin with the Winter anime season followed by Spring, Summer and Fall, and each season begins and ends at the same time every year. The time periods for each season are: Winter season — January to March Spring ...
When it comes to TV series, there are four anime seasons in Japan. They begin with the Winter anime season followed by Spring, Summer and Fall, and each season begins and ends at the same time every year. The time periods for each season are: Winter season — January to March Spring ...
How The Real World Would Deal With a Titan Attack You might be surprised at how well equipped we are. Eammon Jul 17, 2020 Anime ‘No Guns Life’: More Than Just A Show About A Man With A Gun For A Head. You'd think 'a guy with a gun for a head' would be an intriguing ...
Also ranks #6 on The 20 Coolest Anime Guns Of All Time View on AMAZON 35 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Action, Drama, Fantasy 60 votes In a dark and distant future, when the undead have arisen from apocalyptic ashes, an original story unfolds. Ten thousand years in the future, vampires ru...
Released in 2006, Black Lagoon still holds up as being a prime example of mixing blood, violence, guns, and action to create a truly phenomenal series. Black Lagoon has released two seasons and we know you’ll love the entire series once you check this anime out! 3. 3-gatsu no Lion ...
How The Real World Would Deal With a Titan Attack You might be surprised at how well equipped we are. Eammon Jul 17, 2020 Anime ‘No Guns Life’: More Than Just A Show About A Man With A Gun For A Head. You'd think 'a guy with a gun for a head' would be an intriguing ...
There exists a technology created by a company simply known as ‘body machine expansion.’ Through it, people are table to take a part, or the entirety, of their body and replace it with some sort of machinery. These beings, or cyborgs, are known as ‘Extends’. Extends and non-Extends...
FIVE GUNS WEST Now lets all get drunk and play ping-pong. Somebody Think Of The Children! The DO Want List. 01 November 2014 @ 03:29 pm. I've added a new doujinshi scan to Oh So Modern Jezebel. Yes, that's all I've done to...
Starting with a big one,Akirais pretty much the definitive anime movie, in the sense that it has served as an introductory point to Japanese animation for plenty of people. Set in a dystopian future,Akirais a beautifully animated cyberpunk nightmare that ramps up the horror as it sprints to...