Violet Evergarden is a Japanese series based on the novel story with coming-of-age genres. Series published by Kyoto Animation. Written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase. The first series of Violet Evergarden Season premiered in July 2018. It became more popularity gained in few...
Action Anime Here, you’ll be able to find something to scratch that adrenaline itch, and action anime is where it is at! If you likedOne Punch Man,Boku no Hero Academia(My Hero Academia), andBerserk, then this is the best place to be! Get ready for some high octane experiences! Bes...
Record of Ragnarok is a fantastic action manga about a fight between humans and gods, with the fate of humanity at stake. While manga battle scenes can be amazing in their own right, there's something truly special about seeing a fight in animated form. Well, there is if th...
All in all,Saga of Tanya the Evilhas a truly unique twist on the isekai genre. I mean, it’s a war isekai with an evil and selfish MC! WATCH ON AMAZON PRIME 1. Mushoku Tensei Mushoku Tenseiis a relatively new isekai gem. It has a gripping story, beautiful animation, and nuanced cha...
Production I.G’s ‘Vassalord’ is a Shoujo series that revolves around the theme of vampires and gore. Johnny Rayflo is a local playboy vampire who appears to have an interest in Charley, a cyborg vampire who is often preoccupied with doing the Vatican’s dirty work. When the duo cross...
Sometimes a show doesn’t have enough time to invest in its characters, leaving its cast forgotten and discarded. Having little involvement with the plot or ... Readmore Sean Coopa Hoang Top 10 Characters Who Wield the Power of Lightning [Updated] ...
This naturally leads to a lot of drama among the students. While it might not satisfy your cravings for action or comedy, it’s a must-watch for its chill vibe and good animation. 14. Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard aboutMushok...
Using this power, Lelouch leads a rebellion against Britannia, all while grappling with his own morality and the consequences of his actions. One of the most intense moments in the show is when Lelouch must decide whether to sacrifice his closest friend for the greater good of his rebellion. ...
Anime is derived from the word ‘animation.’ If you are familiar with both content genres, you may wonder how they differ. Animation adds motion to 2D or 3D models and pictures, emphasizing the characters. On the other hand, anime is a Japanese-style animation with more vibrant graphics ...
MILKCANANIME is a blog which encapsulates the essence of Japanese anime, Popculture and Kawaii-ness. We are an awesome team of 12 creative writers.