Let’s start our best college anime series with Yamada-Kun, a tv show that depicts: Attending the private school Suzaku High Ryuu Yamada wants to turn over a new leaf and lead a productive school life. In Suzaku High, there is no one who knows of his violent delinquent reputation. Due ...
His friend Kamina, is a delinquent who has aspirations to escape his oppressive life and reach the surface. One day, while digging, Simon discovers a mech robot buried inside. Soon after showing the robot, which they dubbed Lagann, to Kamina, the are forced to use it to fend off an at...
A cheerful, delinquent boy and a socially awkward girl become friends. Also ranks #4 on The Best Romance Manga of All Time Also ranks #5 on The Best Slice Of Life Anime, Ranked Also ranks #5 on 14 Shojo Anime That Deserve The ‘Fruits Basket’ Treatment 3 1,332 votes Special A Photo...
ran from 1971-1972 for a total of 26 episodes. It follows a former high school championship pitcher, Takeshi Dojima, who moves out to a rural mountain village to become a baseball coach. There he teaches a group of poor and delinquent youth, and tries to lead them into the major high s...
The central ensemble cast consists of three bold personalities: Mugen, a delinquent street fighter with no personal goals; Jin, a quiet, traditional samurai with no master; and Fuu, a quirky, loud-mouthed girl who brings them all together. Due to an interesting turn of events, our trio trav...
A diligent student who transferred into Kusuo’s class. It turns out, however, that he used to be a delinquent and the brains of a team called Esper. He’s parents were troublemakers, as well, but he was hoping that after transferring schools he could move away from that path. ...
The first film was, as it were, ‘a youth story in which a delinquent boy grows up through the journey’, but the second one was, from beginning to the end, about the making of a young revolutionary.” The third movie, released in 1998, was entitled The Galaxy Express 999: the ...
ToganeandYuki, rival violinists from Jinnan Academy.Houzumi, the delinquent trumpeter with a heart of gold. Usually I would include him with the normal guys, but he’s always beating Arata up. Violence is bad, mmkay? If you say “Well he only hits Arata, he wouldn’t hurt me,” it...
To that end, the process of preparing her dish puts a literal spell on both the Bookmen and the MC Urara, in whose head a switch suddenly flips and she’sback to being cute and elegantrather than a trash-talking delinquent. It probably won’t last, but it’s definitely an indication ...
Delinquent A (ep 5)Gen (ep 6) Tyler Esposito as Delinquent B (ep 5) Vic Mignogna as Beart (ep 12)Pony Man (ep 6) Afshar Kharat Allison Shipp Allison Sumrall Andy McAvin April Brem Blake Shepard Brandon Scott Peters Chris Ayres Chris Hawley Chris Nelson Christine ...