A skilled female assassin known as the "Courtesan of Death," Tsukuyo dedicates her life to protecting the women of Yoshiwara from harm. Her facial scar serves as a reminder of the sacrifices she has made for her cause, while her loyalty, bravery, and sharp wit distinguish her as an inva...
Snow White With the Red Hair 2015 32,540 votes The heroine of Snow White with the Red Hair, Shirayuki, is a commoner born with a rare and striking feature: her vibrant red hair. This unique trait catches the eye of the selfish and narcissistic Prince Raj, who demands Shirayuki become his...
It is revealed that the forest fire that resulted in the separation of the half-demon twins was not random but deliberately by Homura, who was ordered by a green-eyed, white-haired female demon named Zero to "erase those cursed half-demon sisters from the face of this world". In addition...
[15] She relentlessly attacked the Female Titan in a murderous fury as it attempted to abduct Eren.[16] Mikasa blushed when it was insinuated she and Eren were lovers and has suffered crippling distress at the thought of losing Eren forever.[9] Mikasa also wears the red scarf Eren gave ...
As a Hyuga, Hinata possesses the Byakugan, giving her featureless white eyes (the anime depicts them with tinges of lavender). She has dark blue hair that she keeps in a hime-cut of different lengths and fair skin which she inherited from her mother. In Part I, her hair is short, kep...
They’re at an academy for German aristocracy, so basically every other character is a drill-hair ojou-sama, and they do a good job of hamming it up. And the female lead has pink hair! I’m embarrassed to admit to how much I’m looking forward to more episodes of this show. 3: ...
With time as he gets older, his hair grows longer, and these bangs almost cover his entire face from the sides. This character, as well as a huge number of female fans, acts as an infatuation for many girls. This character’s clothing has substantially changed during the series and is ...
A skilled female assassin known as the "Courtesan of Death," Tsukuyo dedicates her life to protecting the women of Yoshiwara from harm. Her facial scar serves as a reminder of the sacrifices she has made for her cause, while her loyalty, bravery, and sharp wit distinguish her as an inva...
A skilled female assassin known as the "Courtesan of Death," Tsukuyo dedicates her life to protecting the women of Yoshiwara from harm. Her facial scar serves as a reminder of the sacrifices she has made for her cause, while her loyalty, bravery, and sharp wit distinguish her as an inva...
Selesia Upitiria, the headstrong female protagonist of Re:Creators is an impulsive character with a sense of duty and… beautiful, long, flowing red hair and bright blue eyes that glisten with life. Her appearance makes it obvious to see her as the female MC because of the way in which ...