Also ranks #1 on The 20+ Best High School Romance Anime, Ranked Also ranks #1 on 16 Romance Anime Where The Couple Gets Together Early 2 Your Name 2016 29,099 votes If you haven't seen Your Name yet, what are you even doing with your life? This award winning film explores the enigma...
who runs into the over-electrified fencde. When Kencho emerges he is now entirely pixelated (thank goodness) and Anju warns him in no uncertain terms he’s not to come near her until he’s bathed thoroughly.
She’s so pumped up by successfully standing up to her father that she starts acting like the Queen of the Rebels, vowing to take the First Seat once they are victorious. Takumi and Megumi like this new rebellious-yet-regal “Queen Erina.” Souma, while initially irked (sincehewants to s...
Life is unfair but at least Butch would return to the strip eventually to reform. Speaking of life being unfair, Mickey trying to commit suicide was great for some black comedy. Note: this is one of the few stories where Minnie's parents appear and it makes clear that she lives w...
She’s overjoyed to learn Merribit and Yukinojou are expecting their second child soon, but can’t go out drinking with Chad and the guys. She heads home to the Sakura Farm, where an older, taller, and very badass Atra is waiting with their kid, with the unmistakable blue eyes and vac...
The woman dies, and Chateau survives. First the motorcyclist pays her a visit and shoots her phone, then Song arrives and takes her to a hotel, where she’s running a fever. She still doesn’t trust him, but she’s in no condition to reject his help. Despite how little the show is...