Plot: In a world where women are the only ones who can operate powerful exoskeleton weapons known as IS, Ichika Orimura becomes the first male IS pilot and is quickly thrust into a female-dominated school training program. Fan Service Elements: The series is famed for its all-girl environmen...
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok is about a powerful god who is turned into a little boy and sent to another world. Which character changes in the most interesting way? Take a look at the series below and vote for the best series where the adult MC turns into a child....
This list of the top anime movies is an attempt to do just that: to create a primer of one hundred of the most influential and essential films that Japanese animation has produced offer a thorough aesthetic, technical and historical breakdown of why these films matter. To that end,Pasteis p...
After the almost-Third Impact in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, people survived however and wherever they could, creating small, nested communities where life went on. Toji became the town doctor out of necessity, and settled down with Kensuka to raise a family. Warm and welcoming...
Tokyo Revengersfollow a bunch of teenager delinquent gangs and a hapless 26-year old, Takemichi. The plot begins in a simple middle-school setting where the protagonist gets bullied. The story follows through his character development until he and the other characters grow up and create a full...
(No offense to "DOG DAYS", but, the pure badassary of this [VERY!!] Late-Night Anime [airs at 1:30 AM, Japan Time, Saturday/Sunday on TOKYO MX] is something to behold.)NEXT TIME, Ya'll!!! Tags: 2015, birthday, cross ange, dog days, idol, my anime fix, nana mizuki, ...
One problem I have with most anime, especially those where fighting, war, or violence are an essential part of the story, is the unrealistic survival rates of characters. Attack on Titan gets that right. A la Game of Thrones, not a single character is safe (except for the MC, can’t ...
This attitude carries over to his battles, where he is hardly serious and barely annoyed - instead he is relaxed and enjoys himself by effortlessly absorbing attacks and humiliating his opponents. In his fight against Kamakiri, he even went to sleep in the middle of the fight in order to ...
Now for the tea-leaf reading... Tipton and Jourdan's Astro Boy opens with Astro in his super hero mode, but instead of only being looked after by his adopted guardian Professor Ochanomizu (Dr Elefun here), Tenma is overseeing Astro's heroism as well. The comic also emphasizes the father...
memes, ranked and deeper 15 things you didn’t know about the hashira in ‘demon slayer’ also ranks # 1 on the most popular anime right now 3 black clover 2017 14,966 votes in a world where magic is everything, asta was born without any powers. despite this, he aims to become the...