who isnota Sin Archbishop but is definitely a formidable boss. When he smashes Garfiel deep beneath the streets into a shelter where Rafiel and Fred are, Garf must make a choice: kill a monster that was once a human, or let his half-siblings die. This means finally standing...
Since virtually everything Azami is doing with Totsuki is a means to beat his senpai Jouichirou, once he has assurances Jouichirou is serious he quickly agrees to let the challenge go forward: a Team Shokugeki between Central’s Elite Ten (well,eightof them anyway) and the rebels. While a...
Katana Kami: A Way of the Samurai Story Available Now (01:52) Get Twice the Todoroki from My Hero Academia at Anime Festival 2020 – Sydney (01:36) Live-Action Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Film to Compete at Italy's Udine Far East Film Fest (00:25) Thursday, Feb 20, 2020...
where the anime adapted and I've seen peoples's post about it. It went all the way with the "Room you can't leave unless you have sex" probably being one of the highlights. With it being such a success and BD pre-orders already selling out, it seems like a season 2 will happen....
Subaru has been keeping Regulus busy all this time, pretending to be more hurt and exhausted than he really was so that Regulus, being the textbook arrogant villain he is, would start monologuing. Subie thus succeeds in stalling his opponent until Emilia returns, delivering an Ul Huma to Regu...
Well, Tojo is the one to be infernalized, and when the time comes to put him down, Hinawa can’t pull the trigger because his gunisn’tbaptized. While off duty, he comes upon the scene of a fire where Oubi, head of the amateur firefighters, takes exception to the Fire Force soldie...
Sariel won’t go down as the most dimensional, memorable villain, but we did like how he started out as a creepy SFC manager. The battle takes place in Shinjuku, and part of the backdrop is theWashington Hotelwhere we’ve stayed. Always neat to see real places you’ve been to show ...
bringing lap blankets; Minami uses two, but offers one to him, bringing them closer together by literally lending herwarmth. After school Minami has him walk her to the “locomotive” station, where she gives him her contact info and an invite to her house tomorrow (which is a Saturday)....
Where welast left off, Kureno had just revealed to Tooru that not only was Akito a woman. No matter how much he loved Arisa, he couldn’t leave Akito’s side, not even after being freed from the curse—orespeciallybecause of that. He further explains that Akito was raised a male from...