Set in a world where superpowers have become commonplace, the story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a Quirk but still dreams of becoming a superhero himself. He is scouted by the world's greatest hero, All Might, who bestows his Quirk to Midoriya after recognizing his...
Set in a contemporary world where humanity shares a secret treaty with a hidden realm filled with demons,Wicked Cityfollows the story of Renzaburo Taki, an agent of the clandestine “Black Guard” organization devoted to enforcing peace and balance between the two worlds. On the eve of the tr...
As part of a punishment game, he is forced to confess to Runa Shirakawa, a girl from the top of the school caste who's admired by everyone. Also ranks #7 on The 10 Best Gyaru Anime, Ranked Also ranks #36 on The Best Anime Where Opposites Attract, Ranked By Fans Also ranks #119 ...
18 Romance Anime Where The Popular Student Falls For The Unpopular MC 16 Romance Anime Where The Couple Gets Together Early The 15 Best Anime With The Fake Dating Trope The 21 Most Memorable Anime Love Triangles The Best Anime About Star-Crossed Love, Ranked By Fans 16 Anime Couples T...
(i.e. the idol performance where everyone has the same face and no one’s mouths open properly—it’s just socreepy!), and to crown it all, an MC who is 100%, pure, undiluted, unadulterated, self-absorbedwhinge. Dude, if you are so offended at the opportunity to have and pursue ...
For example, where I am in the US there are so many diverse faces I couldn’t guess where everyone’s families came from. We are all originally from somewhere else. But, in Japan and other countries not as multicultural you tend to see significantly less diversity. It is probably just a...
everyone a better experience while attending Seioh. One of her first decisions is to clean up and remodel the student council room into a café of sorts where any student can come and relax. This spurs a cooperation from many of the other clubs in the school, which helps brings the ...
You’re going to want to meet everyone, too. Back for another year is the stamp card promotion, where attendees can go around getting stamps from the exhibitors, then turn in completed cards in exchange for free comic books and other stuff. Other activities, like showing volunteers your libr...
Seeing a Dream Butterflypassing nearby, Towa chases after it all the way to the Tree of Ages, where she meets Riku. Riku reveals that he intends to gather all Rainbow Pearls and return Zero's lost emotions when Tōtetsu appears to attack her. Riku risks his life to defend her until ...
The SLA people are calling this a “soft launch”, wherein some of the elements of the Scottish festival — the films, the Audience Award, er…. me — run in London to see if there is a big enough market to make it a regular thing. So if you are at the Picture House today and...