Another anime series based on a video game. The story follows Aoba Seragak who is a normal guy that wants to live a normal life. Until one day he gets dragged into a game called Rhythm. Rhythm is a virtual reality game where you can battle your opponents Upon getting roped into this g...
Underneath his intimidating appearance is a sweet, cuddly teddy bear of a guy who would do anything for his friends and family - and his adorable girlfriend Rinko Yamato. Though the two have to deal with some pushback from people who don't get their relationship, they couldn't be happier...
It’s the Japanese ideal of a perfect woman – except he’s a guy. Luka goes as far as to send a message to his mom’s pager in the past so that he’d be born a girl – all so she could get closer to the main character. Upon finding out that wasn’t going to work, it wa...
In the hit series Inuyasha, the love between Inuyasha and Kagome is strong throughout the series, but it takes a back seat to the fighting and action scenes that really drive the show. The same goes for the popular Eureka 7, where Renton and Eureka fall in love while piloting mechs and...
explain why the topic changes every day and it has a low chance of going back to manga. 629Sxkurablossom Jan 11, 8:01 am >621 pearl484: WAIT YOU TOO!!! 630Sxkurablossom Jan 11, 8:03 am >628 overwatchguy56: who knows plus we were talking about manga then we werent ^^ 631...
Last 2 episode= Goes out of the anime, into another reality- with only 1 point, you should believe and trust in yourself- love yourself basically. This was all done to the mentally challenged author- who had a 'break down' after so many critcal views on the last 2 episode LOL. Yet ...
they’d throw a creepy transformation deck at me and I’d be right back where I started. It’s a good series, but I find it hard to overcome the things I don’t like about it. As I mentioned above, it’s only really gotten worse over time, to the point where things I didn’t...
17. Golden Time (2013) The beginning of this show definitely threw me off as far as tone is concerned. The first scene we get is a guy getting lost in the city, bumping into another guy who’s also lost, and then a girl pops onto the scene and hits the other guy with some flow...
I do also think it needs to be pointed out how “family friendly” her cousins are… but hey that’s the way the news goes in anime. 31.Chiho Sasaki Anime:Devil as a Part Timer Okay let’s get this out of the way: the only true ship in this show would be Sadao and Shirou. ...
Set in a world where teenagers suffer from “Puberty Syndrome,” which indicates the presence of paranormal quirks, we follow a shy and aloof guy named Sakuta Azusagawa, who, unlike his other classmates, believes that the myth is true. More so when he encounters Mia,a former actresswho retir...