Set in a world where superpowers have become commonplace, the story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a Quirk but still dreams of becoming a superhero himself. He is scouted by the world's greatest hero, All Might, who bestows his Quirk to Midoriya after recognizing his...
Nara. The series follows an immortal half-spirit young boy named Akihito Kanbara. He is the offspring of a Youmu, a supernatural creature that materializes from human animosity, and a human. After saving a girl named Mirai Kuriyama from committing suicide, Akihito learns...
boy/c/523582436, see also (court order for Mermaids to stay away from child);
In a dystopian Japan where shitty, souless, candyass J-pop boybands reign supreme, and good music is outlawed, a group of gay rockers led by the rowdy Ryouma Sakamoto band together and rebel against the opressive society of shit taste by rocking out for great freedom and BURNING JUSTICE!
I got sort of a Higurashi vibe from it, but Higurashi at least opened with a dismembered corpse so you knew where it stood. The worst this episode gave us was someone driving a little recklessly. The banter between the internet rejects was compelling, though, and the creepy stuff was nice...
It's the story of a high school boy named Tomoya (Kenji Nojima) who is going through the motions in school and life while generally feeling aimless. That is until he meets an intriguing girl named Nagisa (Mai Nakahara), who has expressed an interest in reviving the school's dormant drama...
get a boyfriend. It’s much easier said than done and she finds herself struggling to attract boys. Having never been a fashionable girl, she doesn’t know where to begin. Enter Yoh Komiyama, the most popular boy in school and someone who knows how to impress others. Haruna asks for his...
She rejects her anxiety and indecisiveness to take action, and when she does so, she transforms and gains the power to save Papika. This is Cocona’s first step toward seizing control of her life. The theme of escaping to fall in love is also especially relevant to the fifth episode, in...
“Anata wa Watashi no Mono” opens with a girl confessing her love to the boy she likes, but with a dark twist. Unfortunately for Chitose, Minato quickly rejects her because he’s focused on his studies and not looking to date. But Chitose isn’t giving up. She has Minato’s lost pho...
Boy, if I had that kind of motivation back in the day, I would’ve been first in my class. Episode 2 has a couple having sex on Christmas Eve and a girl trying to have sex with her introverted boyfriend. All in all, Kimi ga Suki is a collection of relatable stories, which I’m...