High school delinquent Yusuke Urameshi dies saving a child, only to be revived as a Spirit Detective tasked with solving supernatural crimes in the human world. Along with newfound allies, including a demon named Kurama, a half-demon named Hiei, and a former rival named Kuwabara, Yusuke battles...
After meeting one bright, sunny day, a shy boy who expresses himself through haiku and a bubbly but self-conscious girl share a brief, magical summer. Also ranks #14 on The 20 Best Romance Anime Movies Of All Time, Ranked Also ranks #15 on 20 Inspirational Anime Where The Characters ...
or else everyone dies. The first game is relatively simple, with Keisuke having to ejaculate twice in one of the girl’s pussy, but soon things escalate to hanging
Produced by Studio Deen, ‘Super Lovers’ recounts anincestuous relationshipbetween two brothers. Haru Kaidou lives in Japan and is the eldest son of his family. When he receives the news that his mother is on the verge of death, he rushes to Canada, where his mother is staying. It turns...
‘KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World’ follows Yukito Urabe, who dies tragically while performing a ritual believing that he will saved by the omnipotent god Mitama. Growing an aversion to spirituality due to this experience, he desires to be reborn in a godless world only to reali...
Due to her traumatic experience during an earthquake, she has become ruthless. Her mother chose to save her flowers instead of Takami. She survives the disaster, but her mother dies. The psychopath girl then manipulates her brother and kills her father. Our protagonists, Ganta meets Takami at ...
After his grandfather dies, Daikichi has to find out that the old man had an illicit child with another woman. Rejected by other family members, Daikichi is the only one ready to adopt the little girl called Rin. A new life as a single father awaits him and with it comes a whole new...
It’s not something she can control, but Hyatt dies a lotthroughoutExcel Saga.She can go from having a normal conversation or receiving orders to spitting up blood and dying on the spot. It also doesn’t matter where she’s at, she could be walking down the sidewalk or in the middle...
Zero tells Setsuna and Towa that Kirinmaru's hatred of humans of samurai by the orders of Emperor Daigo, but they were no match for him, and half-demons comes from the fact that one such took Rion's life was Sakasa whose going to avenge his master's death. She dies afterwards, ...
She works as a ‘rental girlfriend’ which means that people pay her to go out on dates. In order to maintain boundaries between her professional and personal life, she has to be pretty harsh with people like Kazuya who keep trying to break them. Still, she has moments where she puts ...