A 13-episode anime adaptation directed by Shinya Kawatsura and produced by Silver Link aired in Japan between July and September 2012. Four additional episodes aired on December 30, 2012. Also ranks #2 on 20 Explosive Anime Controversies That Shook Up The Otaku World Also ranks #3 on The ...
While living in Canada, reserved Ren Kaidou formed a bond with the energetic young Haru. Years later upon returning to Japan, Ren is surprised when Haru reenters his life now as an aggressive adolescent. Despite their age gap, Haru wishes to rekindle the “special” relationship they once sha...
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AnimeJapan, formerly Tokyo International Anime Fair, is the largest anime festival in the world. It consists of anime from Japan and other countries.
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(from 0 to huge) of non-mandatory pictographs thrown in it, probably has something to do with the fact that today Japan is known for making cool stuff like anime, computers, expensive robots and space station parts, and China is known for making huge piles of pollution and cheap plastic...
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It was released on DVD and Blu-ray in Japan on November 25, 2011. The film has been licensed by Sentai Filmworks and was released on DVD and Blu-ray in November 2012. Dig Deeper 16 Times Hitler Showed Up In Anime Also ranks #30 on The Best Movies With Chase in the Title Also ...