Set 30 years after the events ofChar’s Counterattack,Mobile Suit Gundam F-91is a strange anomaly in the Gundam universe, yet not an unwelcome one. The story happened because Yoshiyuki Tomino had decided to begin a new Gundam story set a full generation after the hard-won peace achieved at...
Fang of the Sun Dougram episodes 1-5 (early Sunrise real robot story about guerillas; very impressive) Fate Zero, bits and pieces Fairy Tale the Movie: Phoenix Priestess Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan episode 1 (ecchi show about alternate-reality girl "charging" people to lose their depression)...
The Heaven is the meaning of our lives, people forgot how to reach heaven, without noticing that maybe the answer is just on a pebble on our pocket that we need to push with the very tip of our shoes, Akane also forget this, we forget this, maybe the true happiness -the heaven- is...
likeDemon Slayer. Though you don’t see the iconic greatsword“Dragon Slayer” in the anime, you get to see the story that shapes the protagonist into the man who can wield it.
The Irregular at Magic High School is a pretty interesting take on the conception of magic and it’s quite interesting seeing how magic is both idealised and limited within the story, as well as by the characters themselves. Somewhat infamous for the sheer level of ability Shiba Tatsuya has,...
Space Brothers does a beautiful job showing that it’s never too late to follow your dreams in a relatable story about navigating the path of adulthood. Sword Art Online It could be easily argued that Sword Art Online was the spark that ignited the flame of the current Isekai trend that ...
Players can now enjoy everything from classic fruit machines to elaborate story-driven adventures right at their fingertips. As online gambling rises, slot machines remain at the forefront of this evolution, attracting new audiences while retaining loyal fans. Today’s players enjoy progressive jack...
though, despite that rather silly description,Basiliskis a mighty enjoyable, occasionally heartrending and endlessly creative (yes, creative) little gem for anyone who’s in the mood for some high romance, but feels that there should be a body-count. Just like any true-to-life love story… ...
Yaneura Monogatari The Story in the Attic Mother Yodaka no Hoshi The Nighthawk's Star Interview with Noël Bara no Kishidan Knights of the Rose Ori no Naka no Hakoniwa The Miniature Garden Within the Cage Na mo Naki Onna no Uta The Nameless Woman's Song Shokumotsu ga Tsuranaru...
to have been farmed out to studios that specialize in dull slice-of-life material. (And who can blame them? That's pretty much what Rin's supermarket job is.) But those snippets of daily life, boring as they may be, serve a purpose as story-building moments where we get to know ...