The anime follows Tsumugi Takanashi, a young woman starting her first job at her father's production company. She's put in charge of a group of seven idols, and she's determined to help them with their careers. When she finds out that her job is to cut four members ...
I plan to participate in this year’s Extra Life charity fundraiser by streaming myself playing video games in a marathon during the weekend of November 23 & 24. (Here’s myTwitch channel.) I’ll beraising moneyto support UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals as part ofthe Giant Bomb team....
Twitchpoints out that a second trailer for Akira creator Katsuhiro Otomo's live adaptation of manga/anime Bugmaster (aka Mushishi) is onlinehere. Toshiba entertainment plans to release the film theatrically in Japan during March 2007. FromAnimeNationThe site for mecha revivalDancouga Novahas openne...
After being killed by a serial murderer, high schooler Ayumu Aikawa is resurrected as a zombie by the necromancer Eucliwood Hellscythe; soon after, he crosses paths with a magical girl named Haruna and accidentally steals her powers. Now wearing a frilly dress and wielding a chainsaw, Ayumu ...
After starting with 32 shows, the field has been cut down to 24. Another post should be coming soon, where I’ll discuss the updated bracket, preview the next round’s crucial matches, and pay tribute to the fallen series of the tournament thus far. Posted in 2013-2014, Ao Haru Ride,...
Genius PartyimpressionsAlt Japan has atranslation of a conversationbetween Go Nagai and "Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro" creator Shigeru Mizuki. Also, Matt Alt's thoughts onMacrossSpeaking of Kitaro,'Kitaro' and 'Black Jack'toilet paper rolls MACHINE GIRL Director Noboru Iguchi talks's ...
Twitch Hawaii Presents: KyoItami Friday, 3 p.m. Room313 Of course Hawaii has Twitch streamers! Although I follow only a couple of local streamers, I try to support the community when I can. Combine that with the love that we here at Otaku Ohana have of speedrunning, and KyoItami’s ...
Because I don't keep myself busy enough, I've gotten some Discord buddies together and will be starting a Mage: The Ascension campaign with them soon! I have a lot of love for Mage; it's a messy system, but it was the f......
has posted Shintaro Kago'sBlow UpViaA Geek By Any Other Name, superflat artist Takashi Murakami working with Kanye WesthereTwitchnotes that Grady Hendrix's Kaiju Shakedown has return. To access it, visitVariety Asia Online, click on "Departments" in the top menu, select "Kaiju Shakedown." Ma...
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