In the future, this erotic ecchi harem anime takes place where people are under attack by an alien race known as Novas. Whenever they emerge, these aliens leave destruction in their midst, and the attempts to stave them off become known as Nova Clashes.In...
The psychopath girl then manipulates her brother and kills her father. Our protagonists, Ganta meets Takami at the “correction center”, Deadman Wonderland. It is the only privately owned prison, where prisoners spend their very unusual sentence. Takami often appears as two different people; a ...
We get people that imply the hugging and kissing is insidious and there was groping that happened as well, yet the accusations never mention any sexual or lewdness to their interaction, which would have been mentioned and the pictures don’t show it either. But without any evidence of such, ...
If people knew it would come to this, nobody would go to war. But most people are pushed by something, forced to march into hell. That 'something' wasn't their choice. Their situation or others made them do it. But people who push their own backs see a different kind of hell. ...
This word is also used to describe, insult or mock people for being interested in this kind of material. M Mahou Shoujo: Anime/manga genre. Literally means magical girl. Mahou shoujo are stories about witches or sorceress with magical powers. They are usually rather young and depend on transf...
Recently, the protagonist gains the ability to hear other people's thoughts. He's shocked to discover his popular coworker has a secret crush on him. The two colleagues start growing closer. Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear 86 Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear is a Japanese...
I would ask people not to spoil Part 4 too much for me but I am pretty sure that the narrator will do that anyway. HERE IS A PICTURE OF THE DIRTY PAIR NOT WEARING A GREAT DEAL OF CLOTHING Dirty Pair! It is a series about Yuri and Kei, the Lovely Angels a.k.a. the Dirty Pair...
and so to fulfill the teenage fantasy of becoming more “real” than others implies nothing short of destroying everything that ties you down to the world from whence you came. This is what the final sequence shows; in order to escape the town and the people that inhabit it, Nakamura and...
Review: I know some might call this tsundere, but I kind of wish anime people would just confess their love as early as possible by punching their beloved in the face. I would rather deal with the awkwardness from that outcome than the eggshell bullshit that they always do here. It makes...
Shizuka wants too become a real doctor, which is what she always dreamed of doing. Kencho wants to bring a smile to as many people as possible like Angie. And Beatrix wants to restore “Nippon’s” natural beauty, by eliminating all zombies. ...