Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 9 are from the 动画 Aoharu x Machine Gun.
Nasuo☆’s official site ishttps://www.nasuo.tv/ Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II OP Single [“GG” by ReoNa] has been uploaded for you to enjoy. ReoNa’s official site ishttps://www.reona-reona.com/ THE NEW GATE ED Album [“Kanataboshi” (カナタボシ) by Okasaki ...
Search Anime Characters Quotes All Characters in Tiny x Machinegun Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases Break ブレイク Heinz Siegbert ハインツ・ジークベルト Jerry ジェリー Maria マリア Patricia Norrish パトリシア・ノーリッシュ Reigand McDaniel レイガンド・マクダニエル ...
Created by Majo San, these gloves look like a pair of cute cats that, when it strikes its target, sends a jolt of electricity like a stun gun and leaves a little kitty face imprint wherever the punch lands. Keep this handy for when you need to travel through the bad part of town. A...
Aoharu x Machinegun (Aoharu x Kikanjū) is a Japanese manga series by NAOE and 2015 anime series. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a...
Aoharu x Machine Gun Blue Spring X Machine Gun Синяявеснаимеханическаяпушка Type: TV (12 episodes), 24 min Aired: 3 July, 2015 - 18 September, 2015 finished airing Genres: Action Comedy Shounen Studio: Brain's Base Rating: 7.47 Weighed: 7.48 (137...
After the events of the first series, Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya is drawn back into the world of virtual reality MMORPGs when he is asked to investigate the mysterious player known as Death Gun in the popular game Gun Gale Online. Alongside new allies, such as skilled sniper Sinon, Kirito fac...
Slated for premiere on July 5, Saiyuki Reload Blast is the newest addition to the Saiyuki series and a work that celebrates the 20th anniversary of the franchise. It is directed by Nakano Hideaki ( Aoharu x Machinegun ), written by Konuta Kenji ( Blood Lad, Ace of Diamond ), and ......
MAGMitrailleuse d'Appui General(Belgian machine gun) MAGMaster of Agriculture MAGMinimum Annual Guarantee MAGManga, Anime and Game MAGMidwest Air Group, Inc. MAGMid-Atlantic Group(Hardy Plant Society) MAGMothers Against Guns(England) MAGMilitary Airlift Group ...
Of the 143998 characters on Anime Characters Database, 11 are from the visual novel Tiny x Machinegun.