Set during the Edo period of Japan's history, Samurai Deeper Kyo follows Demon Eyes Kyo, a feared samurai seeking to regain his body after his soul is sealed inside the body of his rival, Mibu Kyoshiro. Kyo is joined in his search by the bounty-hunter Shiina Yuya, the heir to the ...
In this acclaimed Japanese animation, Jet Black, Faye Valentine and the others aboard an interstellar craft called the Bebop have their eyes on a lucrative reward. However, if they expect to collect it, they will have to haul in the man responsible for unleashing poison on Mars. Alth...
The movie "Jin-Roh" is about those in society who are predators among prey. But these "beasts" never bother to change their shape; like Red Riding Hood's wolf, they merely drape themselves with human clothes that do not even disguise the eyes, teeth and claws of a killer. Society right...
Senior has eyes on The Girl and tries to set it up so the two of them "accidentally" cross paths so he can talk to her, but one thing after another keeps getting in the way. While Senior tries to locate a book The Girl enjoyed as a child to eventually bring them together, The Gir...
Sena is well-endowed, with long blonde hair, a blue butterfly hair accessory, and light-blue eyes. Her build is rather plump and with her large pair of breasts, she is often mocked by club member Mikazuki Yozora who calls her “Meat.” ...
Anime light eyes drawing Characters with light eyelashes also tend to have overall lighter eye/hair color. You can see an example of what this can look like above. Conclusion Properly styled eyelashes can make a big difference in achieving an anime looking character. Depending on the style they...
Also ranks #53 on The Best Anime Characters With Blue Eyes 943 votes Are they stylish? 20 Joji "George" Koizumi Photo: Metaweb CC-BY Appears In: Paradise Kiss 846 votes Are they stylish? See what is ranked #1 20 Anime Bad Boys You Can't Get Enough Of Vote 21 Yasutora Sado Photo:...
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU delves into the highs and lows of high school life through the eyes of Hachiman, an anti-social loner, along with Yukino and Yui. They confront their feelings and navigate social challenges with the Service Club, where their relationships further unfold. Hachiman,...
One Punch Manshows us Saitama trying to answer that question through the eyes of his cyborg mentee, Genos, along with earth-shattering fight scenes and the machinations of an organization of ranked heroes that Saitama and Genos try to break into....
As far as the interface goes, it is easy on the eyes and comprehensive to navigate through. The site does, however, deal with snail-paced loading speed. You will find all the latest anime titles you want here. Features: Easy navigation ...